Women in Leadership Series

Breaking Boardroom Barriers

Women make up only 27% of U.S. corporate boards. Yet, research shows that having a diverse board is a profitable thing to do, so how do we bring equality to the boardroom? It’s starts with rockstar women like you!

Dismantling existing barriers to climb the corporate ladder into board leadership roles requires a concerted effort from individuals and organizations. We’ll sit down with two women who have broken through the glass ceiling and are thriving in boardroom leadership roles to share their firsthand experiences, lessons learned and advice to help you – and the women who work for you – develop action plans to navigate challenges and make your mark in the C-Suite and boardroom. 

Whether you’re a seasoned executive or an emerging leader, this event will inspire, educate, and catalyze meaningful change in the realm of women’s leadership.

Develop action plans to navigate challenges and make your mark in the C-Suite and boardroom

Join us for an impactful program to:

Understand common unconscious and implicit biases that influence decision-making processes keeping women out of the boardroom

Overcome networking disparities and learn how to expand your access to influential circles that lead to boardroom opportunities

Challenge common stereotypes about gender roles and leadership abilities that can undermine women’s credibility and hinder your advancement

Learn how to showcase the value of your diverse perspectives in decision-making

Break down organizational cultures that perpetuate gender bias to create inclusive cultures that are essential for attracting, retaining and promoting talented women

Make inclusivity your company’s superpower

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Event Series + Membership

Attend the Event Series and Join
$ 995 Per Year

Single Session Ticket

Attend individual event sessions
$ 295 Per Session
  • Single Event Session
  • Session Recording Ondemand
  • Membership not included

Corporate Memberships are available for a discounted rate for teams of 3+.