2024 Women in Leadership Series

Making Work-Life Balance a Reality

Let’s be truthful—something is always out of balance—it is difficult, albeit impossible, to have both life and work balanced. But many of the most successful female leaders have found a way to manage a demanding career while prioritizing their family and personal well-being. You have work, and you have life – you shouldn’t sacrifice one for the other.

This session will help you find the equilibrium and develop a mindset to handle the persistent pull to meet everyone else’s needs.

Develop a mindset to handle the persistent pull to meet everyone else’s needs.


Leigh Burgess

CEO & Founder, Bold Industries Group; Author, Be BOLD Today (publishing Nov. 2024)

Leigh is a driven entrepreneur who is passionate about helping organizations and individuals achieve their fullest potential faster. By continuously stepping out of her comfort zone and pushing boundaries, Leigh has not only grown her own company into a multi-seven-figure sales operation within the first two years but has also inspired others to do the same. After 20+ years working in healthcare and education, Leigh founded and launched Bold Industries Group, Inc.(BIG) in 2020. Recognized for her groundbreaking approach to personal and organizational performance, Leigh harnesses the power of strategy, mindset, and wellness to achieve optimal results. This unique blend of elements forms the cornerstone of her signature Believe-Own-Learn-Design (B.O.L.D.) Framework that she uses with organizations and individuals for advanced agile performance.

Rachel Salzberg

CEO, Facets Coaching and Podcast Host, ReSoul Revolution

Rachel Salzberg, CEO of Facets Coaching believes that every person has the potential to create a story of transformation that’s so great, that it serves as an inspiration and model for community, and for the world.  Rachel is a dedicated human-centric people strategist, leadership development expert, and mindset coach with 15+ years of experience developing comprehensive programs that help to foster conscious leaders, and purpose-driven, inclusive cultures. Rachel helps people to (re)orient their mindset and develop resilience, (re)define their purpose, and empower people to courageously (re)claim their freedom and confidence. She helps people to masterfully weave these elements into every facet of their lives to live more soulfully, and to lead consciously. She has worked with organizations including Microsoft, GitHub, Amazon, Starbucks, T-Mobile, Intellectual Ventures, startups, and mid-size companies locally, and nationally. She founded the podcast Series the ReSoul Revolution. Rachel is writing the inspiring book, The ReSoul Revolution™, set to make its grand debut later this year, is a beacon for those seeking to harmonize the brain and soul, ushering in a personal revolution to transform from the inside out. This book weaves together transformative principles anchored in neuroscience, infusing them with micro-rituals designed to ReSoul and ReSurge.


11:00 am – Noon

The Role of Mindset, Wellness and Strategy in Achieving Success

Featuring Leigh Burgess

Sharing insights from her forthcoming book, Be BOLD Today: Unleashing Your Potential, Master Your Mindset and Achieve Success, Leigh will help you navigate the complexities of leadership to live an aligned life without succumbing to burnout. You’ll learn how to apply the B.O.L.D. – Believe. Own. Learn. Design. – Framework strategy in your personal and professional life.

Experience a shift in how you perceive and achieve success by:

  • Challenging and refining your perspective on success and use the framework as an ongoing guide for alignment with your purpose and your passion
  • Learning practical wellness strategies that align with the demanding life of a leader, ensuring you remain at the pinnacle of your performance without compromising your well-being
  • Discovering how a strategic mindset, rooted in positivity and adaptability can transform challenges into opportunities for unprecedented success
  • Breaking free from traditional constraints that can hinder women in leadership

Noon – 12:50 pm

Embracing the WHY to Create Balance in Your Life’s Work

Featuring Rachel Salzberg

  • Do you feel a sense of overwhelm or burnout and desire to create more of an integrated balance into your life and work?
  • Do you distract yourself by justifying “doing” productive activity, versus slowing down to reflect on how you truly feel and what is important?
  • Do you beat yourself up because you have developed unhealthy habits that you know aren’t good for you, and desire to create more wellness in your life?

When we focus on an all-or-nothing approach, we can find ourselves “stuck” with a sense of overwhelm or anxiety. We move fast and furious to a high level of productivity, without achieving what we truly desire. Sometimes, we create lists of what we “need” to do, and the lists become so long that we can’t realistically accomplish them with our daily rhythm, which leaves us feeling resentful and drained. Sound familiar?

What are the habits and mindset that pave the way for sustainable and inspirational accomplishment? Your WHY empowers you to make choices that resonate deeply with you, establish healthy boundaries, and harmonize your personal and professional life. This session will help you transform your approach to daily tasks and long-term goals, infusing them with purpose, joy, and balance. Learn how to create incremental “micro-steps” of daily rituals that become a habit in how we integrate and move through life so we feel more balanced – and in turn create the building blocks for success. Learn how to regain your center and ReSoul yourself through simple tools and practices that will create more of an integrated balance into your life and career. 

12:50 – 1:30 pm

Concurrent Peer-to-Peer Roundtables

We’ll break into small groups in Zoom meeting rooms for facilitated discussions on the key takeaways from the sessions, share challenges with one another, and help each other create an action plan that benefits from one another’s experiences and lessons.

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Event Series + Membership

Attend the Event Series and Join
$ 995 Per Year

Single Session Ticket

Attend individual event sessions
$ 295 Per Session
  • Single Event Session
  • Membership not included

Individual event sessions are eligible for 2 CPE credits in Business Management.